Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Raw 1000/1001 - Good Place To Start

Hi everyone and welcome to RAW Notes. This is the very first one, so I'm going to let you know what this blog will be like and give you a little background.
My name is Chris and I've been a fan of pro wrestling since sometime in the mid-80s. I still remember the first match I ever saw, it was the Killer Bees vs. The Hart Foundation on one of WWF's Saturday afternoon shows (Wrestling Challenge maybe?). Regardless, I was hooked. I've watched a lot of wrestling since then, and like many long time fans I have plenty of suggestions, comments and gripes about what is going on in and outside of the squared circle.
I called this blog RAW Notes, because Monday Night Raw is a major focal point in pro wrestling right now (and I had to call it something). I'll cover Smackdown and TNA once in a while too. This blog will be a place for you and I to offer our opinions (or notes) about what's going on. Although it is easy to complain when RAW is less than stellar or something lame happens on Smackdown, ultimately we still love this thing called pro wrestling and we want to see it thrive and get better.
Before I get into it I also want to say that I am not an expert analyst, nor do I have access to any inside information. I watch these shows and PPVs just like everyone, and this is a place for reactions, criticism and comments (not news).
Finally, I invite everyone to share your thoughts and discussions about the topics I cover (or any wrestling-related topics) in the comments section. Keep it civil... racist, sexist, homophobic or other hurtful comments will be erased without response.

And even though we're over a week out from Raw 1000, I figure that's as good a place as any to start it off. I'll cover 1001 in this post as well. Here we go!

• I'm not a huge fan of DX in general, but it was good to see them all together for a few minutes, and they seemed to be having a good time. My issue is this, don't pretend like Chyna never happened. I understand if she can't or won't be a part of the reunion, but the announcers seemed to imply that this was all of them. We have long memories, we remember Chyna. WWE likes to practice revisionist history and pretend that some things weren't as important as they were. I don't like Hulk Hogan so much, but I recognize that he was a huge part of the WWF and I don't think he should be excluded from all the opening montages and things just because he and Vince aren't getting along right now. What if The Rock and Vince had a big falling out, are they going to yank all of his images out of everything?

• I think CM Punk's heel turn was a little too abrupt. He's a good enough "actor" where his huge ego could have taken over a little more slowly. I realize they wanted big things to happen on 1000, but it shouldn't be at the expense of what makes sense.

• Dolph Ziggler isn't really doing it for me right now. He just seems so much like Billy Gunn to me, with the hot pink and the butt wiggle and even the finisher. Billy Gunn was enough the first time around, we don't need another.

• I have to admit that I find AJ intriguing, but as General Manager? I don't know. She is so cartoonish. She works the facial expressions, head tilts and body language a little too much, to the point where I expect next week she will be a fully animated character amongst real people, Roger Rabbit style. She is interesting, but tone it down a little.

• They don't seem like they know what to do with Ryback. They hyped him as an unstoppable beast, but they won't put him in with anybody that might be a challenge. I wouldn't mind seeing him thrown in with Sheamus. I feel they missed the boat by not giving him a spot in Money In The Bank, too. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

• Regarding A.W., a rape joke? really? That guy doesn't need to be on TV, at all, ever.

• They don't seem to know where to go with Tensai either. Hey, what about a Ryback feud?

• Did Jack Swagger piss someone off behind the scenes? Man, what happened? I keep hoping they'll find a good place for him, maybe drop the all-American thing (he's not Kurt Angle).

• Are they trying to make Heath Slater's skin the same color as his hair on purpose? Creepy, guys.

• I really want to like (and by like I mean hate) Alberto Del Rio, but he's not quite there yet for me. His elitist snobbery is improving though, refusing to wrestle anyone but a world champion.

Okay. that'll do it for the first one. They all probably won't be this long.
Be well.